Media and Crisis Management
Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management

Website Resources

After retiring in 2014, I converted this website into an information resource on crisis management, crisis communications, and communication in general. Still here are almost 300 columns of mine as well as some videos. The articles are searchable and the videos pretty straightforward. I hope they are useful.

Rick Amme

Let me give you some of my background from which I drew the lessons contained here.

For 20 years until retirement I was honored to speak to, coach, or consult with companies, institutions, and executives on how to protect and enhance their reputations especially during times of crisis or urgency.

Through the firm Amme & Associates, cases included plant fires, closings and layoffs, accidental deaths, embezzlements, product recalls, medical mistakes, hospital and nursing home emergencies, environmental controversies, fights with unions, lawsuits, banking and credit union (and their associations) issues, university and community college crises… and even the ejecting of an entire top management team.

Clients included the federal government, US Air Force, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, American Express, General Dynamics, R. J. Reynolds, Sara Lee Corporation, La-Z-Boy, and the California Community College System. The speeches emphasized principles of good crisis management.

Clients talked with the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, and NPR among others.

Before Amme & Associates, I worked in TV journalism for 24 years, and before that sailed the seas as a US Navy Officer.  Bachelor degrees in Psychology and Journalism from the University of South Carolina have been beneficial.

If you are a former client needing services I previously provided please email me at for referrals.