Media and Crisis Management
Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management Media and Crisis Management

Potpourri Articles

Cronkite and Me

Posted on: July 29th, 2012

Potpourri: Cronkite and Me: From archives Most of us will encounter a few of our culture’s stars in our lifetimes.  My good fortune brought Bob Hope, Charlton Heston, Jackie Onassis, Gregory Peck, and especially Walter Cronkite. I often think about interviewing him in his office at CBS News for a 30 minute special at North Carolina’s WFMY-TV in […]

Candidates need to protect us – not fight each other

Posted on: July 29th, 2012

Potpourri: Candidates need to protect us – not fight each other: With morning coffee in hand I walked into the den where my wife grimly held up the morning newspaper front page headlines declaring, “We are not safe.” The words were the warning of the 9/11 commission’s report on the attack. Our government could not or […]

bin Laden – SEALS – and rising to a challenge

Posted on: July 29th, 2012

Potpourri: bin Laden – SEALS – and rising to a challenge: Starting a business Since the death of Osama bin Laden there’s been considerable interest in Navy SEALS from whose ranks the commandos who killed him came.  Most everyone knows that precious few can endure SEAL physical training and meet the standards for emotional stability, attention to […]

A Grabbag of Great Advice

Posted on: July 29th, 2012

Potpourri: A Grabbag of Great Advice : self-help I’m a sucker for aphorisms, those nuggets of wisdom to help you grow personally and professionally. One favorite is At least once in life we need to jump off a cliff and build our wings on the way down. While not all aphorisms, here is a grab bag of insights and […]